
What PHP Version Should I Use for WordPress?

What is the best PHP Version for the WordPress?


Choosing the correct PHP version for the WordPress site is crucial. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is WordPress’s scripting language for creating dynamic web content. Your version can affect your site’s performance, security, and overall functionality. This guide will help you understand PHP, why the version matters, and how to upgrade it for optimal WordPress performance.

What is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s a server-side scripting language designed for web development and used as a general-purpose language. PHP scripts run on the server to generate HTML sent to the client’s browser, but if the server cannot be found, it means the browser cannot connect to the server to retrieve the generated content.

Role in WordPress

WordPress relies heavily on PHP to process and manage content, interact with databases, and handle user requests. Without PHP, WordPress couldn’t deliver dynamic web pages and content.

What is the best PHP Version for the WordPress?

Why Does the PHP Version Number Matter?

Performance and Speed

Older PHP versions may slow down your WordPress site. Newer versions offer better performance and faster execution times. Upgrading to the latest PHP version can load your site faster and handle more traffic efficiently.

Security Enhancements

Each new PHP version for WordPress includes security improvements and bug fixes. Running an outdated PHP version can leave your site vulnerable to attacks. Upgrading to the latest version ensures enhanced security features that protect your site from potential threats, so make sure to regularly check your WordPress version.

What Version of PHP Should You Run?

Recommended PHP Versions

PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0 are currently recommended for WordPress. PHP 7.4 provides a good balance between performance and compatibility. PHP 8.0 introduces new features and optimizations that can further enhance your site’s speed and functionality.

Checking Compatibility with Plugins

Before upgrading, ensure that your themes and plugins are compatible with the PHP version for the WordPress you plan to use. Most modern plugins and themes support PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0, but it’s wise to verify to avoid compatibility issues.

How Do You Upgrade Your PHP Version?

Using Your Web Hosting Control Panel

Most web hosts offer an easy way to upgrade PHP through their control panels. Look for the PHP version for the WordPress settings in your control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk. You can select the PHP version you want to use and apply the changes.

Updating via cPanel or Plesk

In cPanel, navigate to the “Select PHP Version” option under the “Software” section. In Plesk, find the “PHP Settings” option. Changing the PHP version is typically straightforward.

Contacting Your Hosting Provider

If you need help with making changes yourself, contact your hosting provider. They can guide you through the upgrade process or perform the update for you.


Choosing the correct PHP version for the WordPress is essential for maintaining your WordPress site’s performance and security. A recommended version like PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0 ensures your site runs smoothly and securely. Regularly updating PHP and checking compatibility will help keep your WordPress site in top condition.


What is the latest PHP version for the WordPress?

As of now, PHP 8.0 is the latest recommended version for WordPress.

How can I check my current PHP version for the WordPress?

You can check your PHP version through the WordPress dashboard or by creating a PHP info file.

Will upgrading PHP break my site?

Upgrading PHP should not break your site if your themes and plugins are compatible. It’s a good idea to back up your site before making any changes.

How often should I update my PHP version?

Update your PHP version for the WordPress whenever a new stable release is available and ensure compatibility with your site’s themes and plugins.

Are there any risks in upgrading PHP?

While upgrading PHP generally improves performance and security, there can be risks of compatibility issues with older plugins or themes. Always test updates in a staging environment first.

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